Over the course of 6 weeks, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about starting – and scaling – a service based business.
It’s simple. I give you every step you must take to land your first client. I show you what to say, what to offer, how much to charge, and how to persuade them to give you a HECK YES to working with you.
In week 2, I’ll show you exactly what you need to do to turn prospects into paying clients.
Instead, I’ll walk you through a simple process where you just have a simple conversation with a prospect – over email or phone. This conversation isn’t a sales conversation. It’s an opportunity to see if you can help your potential client. If you can help, you offer to help. If you can’t, you politely let them know that, too.
In week 3, I’ll let you focus on implementation. By this point, I believe you’ll have everything you need to land your first few clients. It will take time and work, of course. But you know that. And that’s why I’ll provide you with extra training during this week that helps you do it.
In week 5, I’ll introduce you to Module 4. This is the scale and automation module. You’ll see how you can start scaling your business through the power of automation.
In week 6, I’ll wrap the course up by providing you with other advanced tactics and strategies that can help you on your entire service-based business journey.
This course helps you start – and scale – a service-based business from scratch.
Module 1: How to Start Your Service Business Right
I’ll show you how to start and grow your service business, whether you already have clients, have an idea, or if you’re starting from zero…
There are 5 lucrative service business models you can use. These models will show you how to package and sell your services. Choose which model is right for you, and start making money ASAP.
I believe EVERYONE has a service idea within them –they just need help finding it. I’ll show you how to find a PROFITABLE idea based on something you’re already good at and that you’re actually passionate about.
Most service businesses fail because they have an “offer problem.” Meaning: They don’t know what they’re actually selling or trying to sell a service people don’t want to pay for. That’s why you need what I call “Offer Clarity,” and I’ll show you a simple, 3-step process to get there.
Learn about the 3 phases of attracting clients to your service business (and how to attract the right clients no matter what stage you’re in).
Discover the power of the “Open Sesame” Introduction to get your foot in the door – whether it’s your first client, your next client, or that DREAM client you’ve always wanted to work with.
Why a “Ground Zero Case Study” is the #1 sales tool to sell any service. I’ll show you what it is, why you need it, and how to get yours FAST.
Module 2: How to Sell Your Service… When You Know Nothing About Selling
You’re good at what you do. But maybe you’re not a “natural” at selling. No problem…
Worried about feeling too pushy or salesy when you sell your services? I’ll share a natural but effective way of selling your services without the sleaze.
The 3-step process you can use to consistently turn more prospects into clients. Mastering these 3 steps is the difference between an empty calendar and being fully booked.
The simple mindset shift you need to convert more clients and charge what you’re worth.
The 4 phases of a “Discovery Call:” how to introduce yourself, determine if a prospect is a good fit, pitch your services, and close the deal (including proven fill-in-the-blanks scripts you can use and make your own).
Ever struggle to close the deal? I’ll show you how to present your offer as a win-win situation for both you and your client. I’ll also share 3 methods for closing clients. So, you’ll be prepared no matter what situation you’re in.
How to resolve the most common objections people have about investing in your services. So, you’ll know what to do when a prospect says, “Now isn’t the right time” or “It’s just too expensive.”
Module 3: How to Organically Attract More Clients Every Month
Module 3 is all about attracting MORE clients for your service business. Online AND offline. WITHOUT spending a bunch of money.
People think they need a fancy website to “look credible.” But a beautiful design is one of the LAST things you need. I’ll show you why a simple, 4-page website is all you need (as long as you include THIS on your page).
Do you have your eyes set on a DREAM client? Someone you REALLY want to work with… But it seems like they’re out of your reach? I’ll show you how to reach out to those high-value, prestigious “dream” clients – and actually win them as a client.
Most people don’t like going to networking events. Why? Because most people don’t like a pitch-fest. And guess what! No one wants to hear your elevator pitch either… But there IS a better way to talk about what you do. The best part? It gets people ASKING you for more information.
Learn how to forge SMART strategic partnerships with other service providers in your niche… and get a steady stream of ready-to-buy, new clients on autopilot.
Client referrals can be a massive source of new clients. In fact, referrals alone can sustain – and grow – a very profitable service business. The question is: How do you encourage referrals? Should you give an incentive? Does your work speak for itself? I’ll answer those questions and help you maximize your referral business.
And even more ways to get more clients, like speaking, events, a low-effort blogging strategy, and more.
Module 4: How to Automate and Scale Your Service Business
There are only 24 hours in a day. And there’s only ONE of you… So how do you increase your revenue when you’re already fully booked?
Learn how to stop micromanaging low-value projects. Instead, you can start to focus on making MORE money by working with higher-value clients. It’s time to get paid what you’re worth!
Ah, the beauty of recurring revenue! In lesson 2 of Module 4, I’ll show you what it takes to generate recurring revenue from clients that pay you every month.
Finding new prospects AND doing client work takes time. That’s why I’ll share a simple, scalable Facebook Ads funnel that can help you generate a steady stream of new prospects. That way you can either focus on client work OR scale up your business faster.
When’s the right time to hire other people to do the work for you? This can be very profitable if you do it right. But it can be very costly if you do it wrong… I’ll share the best-practices for outsourcing (along with a horror-story of what NOT to do).
FACT: It’s often easier to sell more to an existing client than to get a new client. That’s why we’ll cover up-sells and adding other offerings to your business. I’ll help figure out what to sell and give you an advanced tactic for selling it.
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