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All-Time Highs. What Now?
People often ask how James and I came to work together. It’s a worthwhile story because it’s a testament to the
power of the internet and this game-changing asset we’re all interested in — cryptocurrency.
I was one of his earliest readers. I was building my last company at the time and as the CEO, my policy was to
be the first one in the office and the last one to leave. Since I had a dedicated and incredibly talented engineering
team, “last one to leave” often meant way past midnight.
One night after wrapping up work and just winding down, I was surfing the web, clicking around, and somehow
ended up on his blog. And that was it. I stayed up most of the night reading it.
Who was this guy? He came out of nowhere and bled on the page, sharing all his successes and failures in ways
most of us could empathize with but rarely ever talked about. I actually went back to his very first post and read
I started reading regularly and commenting on the posts. His blog picked up steam and before you knew it, all of
us in Silicon Valley were passing his posts around. His sheer honesty and the risks he took in sharing it were a
Over time, James would respond to my comments. And we struck up a sort of online friendship. Then my company
hit a hard turn. Suddenly, what had been an almost guaranteed success was falling apart. I practically lived at the
office trying to turn things around.
After one particularly difficult day, I sat down on my computer and fired off an email to James telling him the
nuts and bolts of what was happening with my company. Then I went home for a few hours of sleep.
I woke up the next morning to a long email from him. In it, he gave such fantastic advice that I immediately
forwarded it to my investors.
The one I respected the most called me up. “Wow. Whoever this guy is, get him involved.”
That, in a nutshell, is the James I’ve come to know and love. Always helpful. Always honest. And very, very smart.
When I formed my venture capital firm, he was one of two people that I asked for advice. The other has a track
record of being one of the very top investors in technology.

Altucher Crypto Trader – 2017 & 2018 Edition – Free Download Please +add rep so I have some “points” to have fun. All-Time Highs. What Now? People often ask how James and I came to work together. It’s a worthwhile story because it’s a testament to the power of the internet and this game-changing asset we’re all interested in — cryptocurrency. I was one of his earliest readers. I was building my last company at the time and as the CEO, my policy was to be the first one in the office and the last one to leave. Since I…
[GET] Altucher Crypto Trader – 2017 & 2018 Edition – Free Download
[GET] Altucher Crypto Trader – 2017 & 2018 Edition – Free Download
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